Air sealing is one of the most cost effective ways of improving the comfort and efficiency of a home.
Excessive air infiltration/exfiltration through small gaps and crevices wastes approximately 25% of the typical home’s heating and cooling costs.
A well-Insulated & Air Sealed Attic Results in the Best Home Energy Savings
Air leakage is caused by large ( but often unseen) holes in the attic and basement or crawlspace, floor and ceiling joints, electrical and plumbing penetrations and even small cracks and gaps around windows and doors. Collectively these leaks can have the same effect as a wide open window year-round.
Air infiltration can cause water vapor to condense inside walls and attics, making insulation wet and ineffective, eventually leading to mold and structural damage.
A combustion appliance test must be performed in homes with gas appliances ( furnaces, water heaters or stoves) whenever air sealing is performed. This is to ensure that there is adequate air being delivered to prevent the appliance exhaust from being pulled back into the home. AHP offers combustion testing as a standard part of our air sealing work.