Professionally trained and certified.
American Home Performance ( AHP) specializes in identifying residential energy waste and developing solutions to improve energy efficiency and lower utility bills. We are certified contractors participating in the Baltimore Gas and Electric ( BGE) Smart Energy Savers Program providing Home Performance with ENERGY STAR audits and energy saving improvements in accordance with the standards set by the Building Performance Institute ( BPI)
Since our establishment in 2009, our mission has been to provide effective energy retrofit solutions that will save our customers more money than they cost, improve home comfort and positively effect the environment.
Knowing what energy efficiency improvements to make in a home and how they can work together requires special
expertise, training and diagnostic tools to determine how your home is performing.
AHP audits are performed by and/or under the guidance of Rick Hunt, the company owner. Rick has been professionally trained and certified in the field of building science and home performance by the Building Performance Institute (BPI) and brings over 40 years of construction management experience and expertise to the job.